Friday mornings are that break for me every week. I sleep in for an hour and then casually wake up, take a shower, get dressed and get my morning tea (opposed to the usual rush I'm in) and then I take take a nice stroll down to my local Farmer's Market!
Got Veggies? I DO!!
San Jose (where I live) has a very nice sized farmer's market right downtown every week!
I have a few actually (being so close to the Central California) The neighboring city of Santa Clara has one Every Saturday I believe and even the local "high-end" dining/shopping out door mall of the area, Santana Row has one every Sunday! I have a 3 chances to go to the farmer's market in a week? Amazing!
But chances are there's one in your area, that not more than a short drive at most!
And it's not just food either, there's tea, spices, bread, meat (if your into that), hand crafted and made gifts and clothes, there's a bunch of free things like today a lady just handed me a very nice little 'healthy eating' cook book! And my local one even rotates different events usually with live music, cooking demos and give aways a totally fun experience!
Today's Impulse buy? TANGERINES!
For me it's all about the experience and the adventure. I mean what is shopping to you? You get in the car go to Walmart and load up then drive home? I wake up walk downtown listening to an acoustic music playlist then head to the farmer's market and pick a couple of weeks worth of fruits and veggies with my own hands directly from the farmers who grew them and then walk home with a huge smile on my face! I do pay a little more than if I bought everything at the local grocery store but for me I'm paying for the experience... I go for the colors, smells, the food (obviously!), the exercise, the fun, and the smiles! :)
If you've got cold feet about it or afraid to try it on your own, ask your friends I've gone with or met numerous of my friends at the farmer's market and I can't think of one who didn't enjoy themselves, after all adventures are often more fun with more people right? So ask around, maybe find yourself a farmer's market buddy!
The day's spoils... $12.75 and this will do me well for two weeks easily!
So what are you waiting for? Go have yourself an adventure this week!!
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